Take your short game instruction to a new level
Created and developed by Short Game Secrets co-founder James Ridyard. Over the past 10 years the WedgeMatrix Instructor Program is setting a new bar for golf instructor education.
Receiving rave reviews from those who have already attended in the UK, US and Continental Europe it promises to be the market leader in teaching Short Game performance for a long time to come.
We're finally back to live in person training for 2024! Back in the UK for the first time post covid For more information and to sign up click here
If you're keen to attend please make sure you sign up for our newsletter and we'll keep you up to date the future dates!
Interested in hosting a WedgeMatrix training course? Don't hesitate to get in touch.
WedgeMatrix launched in 2018 and although there has been evolution in the program since then we've stuck closely to the original information.2.0 is a big jump forward in the presentation of information and experience accrued over the last 5 years. Open to previous attendees only
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During 2020 we decided to offer the WedgeMatrix training content in an online format on a limited basis. This will continue to be the case going forward and is ideal for anyone who might struggle to attend an in person training camp.
We will however continue to limit the numbers and the opportunity to sign up. The plan is to open the doors in January and July every year, once the spaces are gone there is no way in!